How to enable live chat replay?

Learn how to enable live chat replay and review past conversations with your customers to gain valuable insights.

Customers want to be able to get in touch with businesses quickly and easily. Live chat has become increasingly popular for this reason. But what if customers need to reference previous conversations? That's where live chat replay comes in.

By enabling live chat replay, customers can refer back to previous conversations even after they've ended the chat session. This is particularly useful if they need to follow up on something or simply want to refresh their memory.

Enabling live chat replay is easy. Simply configure your live chat widget to automatically reload once the customer has ended the chat. If you're using Serviceform's Live chat, it can be done easily using a live chat toggle from your dashboard. This way, the chat history will remain visible unless the customer explicitly closes the chat window or leaves the website.

By giving customers with the ability to refer back to previous conversations, you can both improve their user experience and increase their confidence in your business. It also makes it easier for your agents to keep track of customer enquiries and provide overall better service.

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